Be fearless, be aware and be open. Sparkly chairs and so much more.

Last night we had the pleasure of being involved at #DebutRealTalk, alongside mental health charity Sanctus, and author of 25 before 25, Emma Rosen.

Here are 3 things I would like to share from last night. 

One thing I learned: Be fearless.

Taylor Swift said it best ‘I don’t know why but with you I’d dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless’. So often we can let fear take hold of us and pull us away from things that we actually want to do. I spent a good portion of my final year of university trying to figure out how I could stay there longer. Why? I was literally terrified of the unknown in the future. Thankfully I was sat cuddling my gorgeous rescue pup when visiting my parents house and she reminded me that it’s okay to be scared, and things will always work out. I am SO thankful that I did, because it led me to a job that I love, and I haven’t looked back since. Thank you Emma Rosen for reminding me of that once more. 

One thing I hope the audience learned: Be aware. 

Personal Brand is not something you can opt in or out of. We all have one, and it’s so important to know what yours is, and more importantly, what you want it to be! Embarking on your career journey is scary and never easy, but it’s the little things that can help you go a long way, and making sure you’re playing the ACES of your personal brand is definitely one of them! 

One thing that surprised me: Be open. 

Sanctus kicked off the evening with a powerfully honest talk about mental health. It has become almost a cliche these days to be told to ‘be open’ but it was incredibly refreshing to experience a mental health talk that truly led by example, starting the open, honest and non judgemental conversation around mental health in the work place with exactly that, an open and honest talk about a personal experience with mental health, which the entire audience felt and responded to. So a massive thank you to Sanctus for reminding me, and everyone else, that mental health is just as important as physical health and we need to look after it too!

#DebutRealTalk was really a great time to listen, and I can't wait to get back there tonight!

Sajaad Jetha